Division of Graduate Studies

Career support2023.11.30

(Jan. 16)L-INSIGHT Career Program Human and Diversity of Individuals Based on Data Studied by Early Career Researchers: Genes, Education, AI, Brain, and Social Evaluation of Research

Division of Graduate Studies will hold the following event with the L-INSIGHT and KURA. We look forward to your active participation.

In recent years, faced with the emergence of global agendas, many early career researchers may be turning their attention to solving social issues in the international society through their research themes and career. In this series, early career researchers who are active on the global arena will share their perspectives based on their own experiences as examples and discuss with participants strategies on how to look forward to careers and research issues balancing between the whole and the individual and between competition and coexistence.
In this third session, we will explore interaction between research and society. Two early career researchers in interdisciplinary fields—one is integrating behavioral genetics into educational psychology and the other is trying to understand AI and human brain activity from their intersection—will talk about challenges in conducting novel research in academic and social contexts. Two other experts will explain how policies and society relate to research creativity and impacts. While data science is globally used in social domains, research and social implementation environments differ across cultures. How should we view research and society to pursue our research goals?


Date and Time: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 | Part 1: 13:00−15:30|Part 2: 15:40−16:45 (Networking & Refreshment)
Venue: International Hall III, Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Memorial Hall 2F
Participants: Graduate students, postdocs, researchers, URAs
Format: On-site (group discussion) & Online
Language: Japanese & English (simultaneous interpretation available)
Registration URL:  https://forms.gle/Rd2oaeAoaCdquwCi6


TOKITOH Norihiro [Executive Vice-President for Research and Evaluation, Kyoto University]Opening Remarks
〈Part 1〉Symposium
ISHIKAWA Fuyuki [Program Manager, Program for the Development of Next-generation Leading Scientists with Global Insight (L-INSIGHT) / Director, Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA) / Vice-President for Academic Research Support, Kyoto University]
“Social Impact of Research and Inner Circle”

● Case Studies by Early Career Researchers
TAKAHASHI Yusuke [Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University / L-INSIGHT Fellow]
“Do Educational Psychology and Behavioral Genetics Have Social Impact?”
With a perspective on the utilization of psychological data in collaboration with ministries and local governments

TAKAGI Yu [Perceptual and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University / Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)]
“Combining Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence to Understand How Brain Activity Shapes Us and Our Lives”
With a perspective on changing social acceptance of brain and AI research

● Analyses of Research Topics and Impacts by Experts
David Budtz Pedersen[Human Centred Science and Digital Technology, Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University]
“Science Communication for Effective Societal and Policy Impact”
With perspectives on how to communicate research to stakeholders in industry, society and policy for effective societal impact

ASATANI Kimitaka [Department of Technology Management for Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo]
“Observation of International Time-Lag in Research Topics via Large-Scale Bibliographic Analysis”Latest research findings on the relationships between science, policy, and social media
Plenary Discussion Moderator
SUZUKI Yuta [Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) /  Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University]
〈Part 2〉Networking
HIRAJIMA Takao [Director, Kyoto University Division of Graduate Studies / Vice-President, Kyoto University]

Group FacilitatorsKIM Suhyun [Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University]
HATA Miyuki [Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University]
SASAGAWA Sohei {Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University]
CHANG KuoCh’ing [Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University]
Ana Belén Barrera Aguirre [Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University]
Samuel Matthew Girao Dumlao [Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University]

Office of the Program for the Development of Next-generation Leading Scientists with Global Insight (L-INSIGHT), Kyoto University
Email: admin-l-insight@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp